23.12.2017 г.

Pirin : Beauty and Freedom ....

  ... the pursuit, the beauty and the little drama ... one of the few real things that keeps us afloat in this crazy life so we don't get into Ernst Weiss history ... or if we're already in, find our way into her ... I had wings, but I couldn't fly ... I confronted the fear I believed in myself ... to find the meaning, to find the time and to blink ... and the shackles were breaking ...
    Morning, fresh and clear ... sleeping with the Gods is difficult, getting easy and early, waiting for a long journey and getting back to town ... It's time for a dessert that has nothing else to do but the most beautiful climb in Pirin - the welcome of the sun among hundreds of edelweiss on the eastern wall of Banski Suhodol :

       So air, air passage...There is no water ... as it is anywhere in the Pirin Marble Pond, the water is only ice or snow that I load in the half-timer before the sunrise:

      The Western Guard and the ghastly chute between her and the Eastern of Banski Suhodol shimmered.

        Although the equipment: sleeping bag, tent, food, backpack is relatively light and try a slightly more difficult version of the 400-meter wall, a direct right up to the highlight:

         When I think, a few months ago I was wondering if I could get 500 meters even, and now where the wind blows me.

          The  sunrise, old old hymns sounded :  https://youtu.be/TH6r0GtuKMA  

When I think, a few months ago I was wondering if I could get 500 meters even, and now where the wind blows me. I do not have a rope or wedges, I only rely on hands and scraps.

          Up is just Beauty:

Down is only Freedom:

   Another hundred meters away is the site with a large tuft of Edelweiss, a place for water and rest. Here again, after a month we meet:

    The tricky vertical section above the landing site can surround a lot of air and long traverse to the middle of the wall from here to the left:

    Then, from the middle of the wall, it goes out again. But with the backpack, and a strong breeze out of the gallows, I will fly hundreds of meters on the cross traversing ... and there are also trapped areas with no slit, just a smooth rock ....
        look, look up ... no grip, no step: 
I thought of Renan's words, the third of Maru's liaison:
 "Conrad and Jimmy stood in front of a stretch that I thought was impossible to climb, and no way through it. They entered the wall and found tiny roughness that led them up and up. "
    Was it true, dude? Do not you f*k with the simple people from the Balkans? There is no way, the man has told him, I will try the way. Another solution does not. The edge on the right is more uneven, but it is very unstable, rolling rocks and between them hangs 3-4 meters, so my road is up and in the middle of the pond. If the edelweiss helped, there was a lot in this place ...

    In full focus, here is played at the top of the fingers only. The backpack, the backpack ..... how it weighs and pulls down ........ I come to a stable roughness in the overhang. Let's get her and take a photo ....

     ... let the photo get just down, I can only swirl the door slightly and release one, right hand:

        In such places, Edelweiss is typical of growing up horizontally and in rare cases, even down with the colors ...
         Down there, what a terrible fright is, all the way :

This is his beauty here - air, flight. After this 50-meter-high wall, it's gotten easier
   And soon comes the success of crossing the huge wall ... the words are superfluous, it's just great.
       That was, my Meru, for some modest and little, great return to the Mountain, for which I am grateful that it could be. Eight days and nights in the wild marble share of Pirin. My wife, if she knew where I was, would have locked in and cast the key somewhere.

When you are young it is easy ...

Now, as I am already for many more years than all the participants in the real Meru...How does a mountain abandon and if it is possible .... I do not know until the peaks are there I will look at them ....

                                                Whenever we were singing for you
                                          and your stars on a clear night we count ...
                                                    so we changed our souls ...
                                                          my Pirin mountain !

16.12.2017 г.

Красота, Свобода....Бански суводол

              Утрото, свежо и ясно....заспиването с Боговете е трудно, ставането лесно и рано, че ме чака дълъг път и прибиране в града...Време е за десертът, който няма какво друго да е, а най-красивото изкачване в Пирин – Бански суходол от изток. Толкова въздушно, ефирно преминаване няма, в целия Мраморен дял. На Бански суходол  много приличат пирамидите на фараоните, но и бай Хеопс може да нанесе поне 5 пъти в мрамора:
 Багажът е малко и за минути го бутам в раницата. Няма вода ...ще пия чистий фирновьi снег, зареден  в полусянката на изгрева,  преди да се връгна в скалите.

    Зарево огрява Западната стража и страховитият улей между нея и Източната на Бански суходол.

            Раницата е лека и пробвам един малко по-труден вариант на дзверската 400 метровата стена, една  диретисимка право нагоре към осветеният вече връх :

            Като си помисля, допреди няколко месеца се чудех дали мога да стигна до Муратово, а сега къде ме вее вятъра.
         Изгря и слънцето , зазвучаха стари, стари химни ...  https://youtu.be/Vjb00tAmakA  

               Нагоре е само Красота:

         Надолу, е само Свобода:

            На площадката ме посреща туфата еделвайси, преди месец пак бяхме заедно, приятелчета :

    Трудно и сладко, както пее Джурая, а още по-трудното предстои, та горе дали  може да чака некоя торта гараш:

      И скоро идва успеха от преминаването на огромната стена....думите са излишни , направо е страхотно.
      Това беше, моето Меру, за някои скромно и малко, за мен голямо завръщане в Планината, за което съм благодарен, че можа да стане. Като си млад е лесно...

     Но после...Как ли се отказва планина и дали това е възможно....не знам, докато върховете са там....

                                         Дали кога песни за войводи си пеяхме
                                            и звезди ти в ясна нощ броихме...
                                                     тъй... тихо си души...
                                                      .... вменихме....
                                             леле моя ти Пирин планино!